Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wisdoms Young Adults Can Certainly Realize From Fantasy Series

Fantacy Series Books
Zombies running over the city. Vampires of the underworld pretending to be high school students and accomplishing laboratory work in biochemistry. A demi-god saving the most beautiful woman on the planet. Hobbits saving the world from greed and evil. Indeed, fantasy books is probably the most favorite genres among young people, and the appeal is no surprise: a fantasy series delivers that strong combination of magical, adventure, mystique and romantic endeavors that no wide-eyed book lover can resist.

The story of the fantastical is not only just a modern phenomenon. A long, long time ago legends and folk tales were made about fabricated creatures before people discovered to read and write. These types of stories helped shape and strengthen cultures, languages and civilizations. Even before Hollywood vampire movies and films on paranormal romance have become blockbusters, people used fantasy materials to tell tales and understand the world they are living in.

One of the dominant features of the fantasy genre is its powerful position on the good versus wicked concept. There might be a mystery with regards to which characters are virtuous and which are really wicked - this particular suspense generally thickens the story. But young readers can clearly figure out the good deeds from the despicable, and find out early that no wicked deed remains to be unpunished. In the real world where corruption of power and violence can blur the lines of values, keeping the critical mind to look at the real difference between good and evil is important.

Speculative literature, sci-fi and fantasy lit could also educate developing minds, especially those of tween and teen girls, a lesson or two concerning gender equality. Fantasy romance stories are filled with heroines who are as amazing, as brave and as pure-hearted as (or even more than) the male lead heroes. Surely, parents would rather their own children reading about leading an army of magnificent soldiers or running with wolves rather than have them poring through women’s magazines that pose impractical standards of magnificence. Whether as mortals, as wizards or as fairy queens, feminine heroes of the fantasy genre can be good role models for independent-thinking girls.

And finally, reading about parallel universes and amazing worlds feeds the thoughts a lot more than some other material. There’s a sense of understanding, creativity and curiosity one will get with reading through books, rather than watching a monitor, which is a famous activity among the younger generation these days. Getting immersed in a fantasy story implies having the potential of dreaming of-and perhaps encouraging shape-a better and more beautiful world.

Content resource - Best Fantasy Stories are list of great books that you can select from and recommend for teenagers as a great reading material.

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