Monday, March 25, 2013

Digital Wedding Photography - How It All Began

A few decades ago you would have been a major hit for your neighbors if you have these items, cassette tapes, rotary phone, VHS, and the 35mm film. Recent technological advancements have made all of those faced out and unheard of especially kids of today.
In a type of wedding photography like the digital wedding photography, it was also unknown of a few decades back. Back when pictures were still reproduced using 35mm films although this kind of film is still being used today, other than that the whole idea of this kind of photography is completely new. The usage of films taught photographers the values of careful composition and economy in shots. However today is a different story. It is now almost all about DSLR. There are still SLR but most of the people today prefer in depth, high-resolution photos hence DSLR is a huge hit among customers. Clearly, there is digital wedding photography evolution.

The incredible conveniences DSLR provides to customers make them irresistible especially now that their prices are now made more affordable. Photographers and enthusiasts can conveniently access it plus the high-end photos it produces, you can never say no to it. However, the truth still remains that anyone who has a DSLR is still not considered a pro. 

People specifically photographers love DSLRs because of the convenience of seeing the pictures immediately after the shot. Compared to films which could take a few steps to be seen, this is already the best setup. It also has its own capability to change ISO settings, making the adjustment to lighting setup so easy. Using an SLR, you would need to load another film to be able to do so.

DSLRs also give photographers the convenience of experimenting with his shots. He can take as many pictures as he can and never worry about the number of shots he has taken. This is a complete opposite when you have an SLR where you have to closely monitor how many shots you have taken.

Another benefit of DSLR is getting sepia or black and white photos is possible with just a little tweak on the settings unlike with SLR where you really have to buy a different kind of film. With a DSLR, you have the freedom to choose which kind of setting you would prefer, all in just a little maneuver to your camera.

Printing and editing are also convenient with DSLRs. There are already a lot of photo-editing software online so you just have to upload the pictures and edit away. 

With all the conveniences of a DSLR, still there are some who prefer SLRs. Whichever you prefer, make sure to let your wedding photographer know about this so he can make the necessary arrangements.

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