Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Weekends Made More Fun With These DIY Crafts - Buy Mosaic Supplies Now

How things have changed. Two decades ago, art programs were a compulsory subject. Both in public and private schools have this as part of their curriculum however today's trend is different. Arts don't have the same importance they have been given many years ago. Today, it is no longer a compulsory subject but an elective.
Good thing the technology has paved the way for social media sharing sites such as the very popular media  YouTube to allow people with great insights about arts share their knowledge. For anyone who is looking towards being creative on an uneventful weekend can simply search on YouTube for craft ideas. There are a lot of tutorials for do-it-your-own projects. Another great source is Pinterest. They have a lot to share about most things like mosaic project.

Probably because there are not compulsory today, many people search for artistic expression. This is a demand businessmen can't ignore so there are a lot of stores available today to cater the need for people to create something with their hands. For learning mosaics as a craft in Australia and for people who are into mosaics, one store you can check out is specialtyartglass.com.au. They are specially built for people who love mosaic projects. 

The online store has a lot of supplies allowing any person interested to fulfill his interests on painting, gluing, mixing and matching materials. There are a lot of differently designed tiles and other materials to those people who want to buy mosaic supplies for their DIY crafts. The online stores have a wide inventory of materials such as glass, ceramics, shells of various sizes, shapes, cutters, adhesives, and other coloring materials for the tiles.

The other materials you can use for other DIY projects to personally enhance your home. This is perfect for long holidays to get your preoccupied. Rather than spending money for decorative pieces to adorn your house, it would be nice to add some personal touch into your decorations by making it your own. You can start with some project ideas listed below.

Adding character to stained terracota pots. What you can do is smash glass tiles and glue them into the pots for a more stylish design. If you have pebbles in different colors and sizes, you can also have that as an alternative.
Creating colorful countertop. With your extra tiles, you can simply lay the tiles on the countertop and glue them. To have a smoother and flat surface, you can add a cement level to the height of the tiles. 

Creating personalized coasters. Using permanent markers with plain ceramic tiles, you can create personalized coasters. 

Recycling old jewelries. To give your jewelry a new look, you can replace your old charms into the cut ceramic tiles or glass cabochons. Simply glue it to a bottle cap, puncture a small hole through the cap and slip a jump ring through it.

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